Social Distance has become a norm nowadays to prevent the transmission of coronavirus and there is no doubt that this concept will serve a great role in all spaces and activities done. Now at this point architects and interior designers are given little more responsibility while designing spaces for the future. It generally means people must stay more than two metres/six feet apart from others to keep them safe and non infectious. This can sound easy but achieving it at workspaces, restaurants, market places is difficult as many gatherings, meetings, team works takes place.
1. Automation in designs
As we are slowly moving towards automated lifestyle, this is a time where designers have to incorporate technology while designing spaces. Contactless pathways, contactless openings whereby employees rarely need to touch the building with their hands. Office doors open automatically using motion sensors and facial recognition, while elevators can be operated with voice commands. Thus technology can be used to remind employees of social distancing and make them stay safe.
2. Self care
Numerous calculations are being made to provide an environment that will keep workers safe, healthy and productive. Apart from this employees should also be kept updated with all the knowledge to keep them safe and healthy. We have already glimpsed the future as many organizations implemented greeting policy changes like elbow bump, clasping one’s own hand which gives us a clear vision of changing cultural formalities and ideas.
3. Workspace
The role of the workspace in a post – COVID 19 world is more important than ever. Employees should feel safe while they come back to work after the pandemic lockdown. Open plan working is a trending form of workplace organisation but this will be reversed post-COVID19 due to safety and social distancing norms. We can expect high glass partitions in the future designs to avoid physical contact and meetings can be made using video conferences inside the offices.
4. Workarea
Employees should be let inside the office spaces with masks and other safety measures. Proper social distance should be maintained at the office table for safety. Office space per person should be changed to 120sq.ft per person which was 80sq.ft per person before. Many organizations are working hard to arrive at a solution to this problem, a firm at netherland has arrived at a concept of ‘six feet office’ to help owners in bringing back their employees to work with safety measures.
5. Fresh air and more signs
With good ventilation being a key factor to win COVID-19, a simple solution is to open up windows for a good amount of air and light to let in. Future designs will include large open areas and more windows to achieve this concept. Offices should include a lot of signs to avoid traffic at the workspace and to create one-way flow and to encourage employees to walk clockwise.